Baby Beddes Due October 5th

Monday, October 4, 2010

Welcome Avery Ash Beddes!!!

The most amazing little girl in the world showed up yesterday morning at 2:37! After many long talks about scheduling she decided to listen to her Dad and wait until the Bears game was over. I am guessing she came immediately following for one of two reasons. Option #1 to kick Mike Tice and the entire Bears O-line right in the jubblies. Or option #2 to make her Dad feel better about the Bears loss. I'm gonna go with #2.
Speaking of her favorite football team, we were talking yesterday and she has already decided on the Bears for her favorite team. I was completely supportive of her choosing any team she wanted but turns out she knows football straight away. I know this comes as a shock because even I didn't choose my favorite team until 4-5. However, this girl is exceptionally smart (she'll probably be in the third grade within a couple months!). I apologize to my father-in-law who no doubt wants to talk her into becoming a Dolphins fan, her step father-in-law who wants to switch her into a Vikings fan, my Dad who would corrupt her into a Packer fan, and above all to my brothers who I may have had a bit of an influence in making all their kids into Bears fans (Tristen and Traden we'll talk in a few months).
Obviously not running on Ashworth time... Avery arrived exactly on her due date. Like I said right after the Bears game Nikki thought her water had broke, so she called the mid-wife to get some opinion and she set up an appointment for the next day (Monday) to take a look. At this point, Nikki and I decided a walk was in order. So, we made a few swings around the block and the contractions started coming. I whipped out the trusty iPhone and started timing the contractions (of course, there is an app for that). At 11:30 p.m. they seemed to be on schedule according to labor signs but they didn't hurt too bad, so Nikki called the mid-wife again and we decided to stick around a bit longer.
A little after midnight they were getting real bad so I called the midwife and waited for a response. Now we are 5 minutes away from the birthing center, which we thought very convenient, but the mid-wife is 30 minutes away. We gather up in the car and get over there at 1:10 and Nikki is feeling the urge to push and I am praying I don't have to catch the baby in the front seat of the Prius in the birthing center parking lot. Luckily the mid-wife came in about 5 minutes later and we headed in.
Nikki immediately jumped in the tub and starting getting our little girl out. Within an hour of being in the tub, our this cutie came out and said "hi". Uncle Nick and Aunt Cara were there to help us welcome this sweet, sweet, little sweetheart.
The mid-wife/birthing assistant ladies did their paperwork and checked little Avery out then left at around 5:30-6 am. Cara left for work around 6:30 and at about 7 am Nikki and I decided we might as well head home as well. So, the entire process took around 3 hours and we were home within another 6. Not too bad for Nikki Marie, my inside pick for mother of the week!
I am sure that this is a rambling blur, and I am not my usual witty self... but sleep deprivation can seriously impair one's ability to string sentences together. Stay tuned for something a bit more coherent (I hope).

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