Tina and I are also rolling out some great meals. Granted about half are coming from friends that drop by and bring food. By the way, I didn't know that was a custom when you have a kid... I apologize to those of you who've had kids and I failed to follow this tradition.
As for Avery's Mom, Nikki is built for bearing the babies! We have joked through the pregnancy that she probably was supposed to have 20 kids. She is already back up and running at nearly %100. She can fit into all her old clothes. (Notice I say CAN, because she hasn't really gotten out of Pajamas... she is on vacation after all!) She is so good with Avery too. Granted there is the whole Oxytocin rush that is influencing her, but looking into Nikki's eyes when she sees her little girl just amazes me.
And me, I have learned all those silly cliches that people constantly tell you when you are getting ready to have a kid are incredibly accurate. For example: "Your kid is the cutest." When Nikki was pregnant one of our chief concerns was having an ugly baby. Yes, having a healthy baby with 10 fingers and 10 toes was much more important, but you've all seen ugly babies and didn't want to say anything. Nikki and I are not afraid to admit some babies are ugly. We were absolutely thrilled to see how gorgeous Avery is. It took about 2-3 days for me to consider that maybe... just maybe... I could be slightly biased. Nichole will still not even consider it. She assures me that Avery is, in fact, a cute baby and she can say that without any shadow of a doubt. I'm gonna go with her on that regardless of rationality. Another cliche that popped up repeatedly was: "You'll never know you could love something so much." I am constantly enamored with every little coo, grunt, stretch, and smile that Avery does. I am a fairly grounded dude that likes to rationalize before being emotional, but I am nearly brought to tears every time I look at this little girl.
"It's okay when its your kid."
And on one final note, the Bears are undefeated in Avery's lifetime... and we were talking after the game on Sunday and she doesn't see any reason why they don't end up winning the Super Bowl this year. Lock it down... Avery's early prediction!
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