Baby Beddes Due October 5th

Saturday, October 16, 2010

I Cook, He Cleans...

We have a rule around the house that whoever cooks, the other one cleans. Good news for me is that the rule also applies to feeding and cleaning Avery. Since I'm the one doing all of the cooking for her, Mark gets to do all of the clean up. Bad news for me is that after a couple days of explosive poos, he's now put me on a pretty strict diet. Who knew that tomato sauce and citric fruits cause a gassy baby.

Speaking of her explosive poos, she's not afraid to let them rip whenever and wherever. Maybe when she gets a little older we'll fill her in on some rules of etiquette, but for now we let her do her thing while we either laugh or look at her like it's the cutest thing we've ever seen. Anyway, her pediatrician's office offers classes before each check-up so new parents can meet one another and learn tips for caring for their new babies. We had the first class on Thursday and not only did she want to snack during most of the class, but then she let one rip in between her feedings- Mark doesn't have to worry about any of the boys in that class now!

That's probably enough on that topic, though it has become a major topic of conversation around our house. Two more things and then I should probably sign off- first is how lucky we are to have my mom around. It's fun to watch Avery play and cuddle with her grandma and mom has been a ton of help around the house. She cooks, cleans, does laundry, plays with Izabel, and comes up to get Avery in the mornings so Mark and I can get some extra sleep. We're trying to talk her into buying the house down the street or letting us remodel our basement into a nice little apartment for her, but apparently she likes having Tom around :) The other thing I wanted to talk about was something we learned in our class on Thursday. The pediatrician said to wear a shirt and then let her sleep with it because the smell will calm her down. Since I've been wearing my Montana sweatshirt almost every morning and night, we decided to try it. Mom turned the sweatshirt inside out and then put it over Avery when we put her down for a nap. When I went to check on her a couple minutes later, not only was she sound asleep, but she had pulled the sweatshirt all the way up by her face! We'll be thanking that pediatrician for a good night's sleep last night!

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