Baby Beddes Due October 5th

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

We're all moved in...

I'm starting to feel like I'm back in Australia with the move and having to go to a coffee shop for internet. Yes, it's true, Mark actually cancelled the internet at our old house before getting it set up at the new house! Fortunately there's a Starbucks with free wi-fi nearby (duh, we live in the Seattle area where there's always a Starbucks nearby).

Anyway, moving day was a bit chaotic because we had to wait for the official word that the house was ours, but thanks to Karl (who didn't do much due to a recent "procedure"), Josh, Mike Chapman, and Mike Ashworth (what a great guy to spend a day of his vacation helping move his sister), the move itself went well. I have to admit though, while it sounds good to get out of work on account of being pregnant, really it was a bit frustrating. I felt pretty helpless standing around as all the guys carried my stuff out of one house and then into the next. It's also been a bit frustrating unpacking stuff and having to call on Mark to lift a box that I know I could lift. Oh well, I know better than to overdo it (and Mark would quickly remind me if I forgot)!

I must say that it is a bit strange moving into a house and thinking about things like setting up a nursery (it'll be awhile before this happens), putting things that the kid shouldn't get into on the higher shelves, and building railing around the deck, driveway, stairs, etc. At least I'm thinking about these things though, because otherwise we'd have a dangerous house with a great sound and entertainment system!

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