Baby Beddes Due October 5th

Thursday, July 22, 2010

3rd Down, 10 to go...

I'm nearing the end of my 29th week, which means I'm into the 3rd (and final- yikes) trimester and only have about 10 weeks to go. It's amazing how quickly this pregnancy has gone, and fortunately, how easily! Aside from the 1st trimester, where I felt tired and nauseous pretty much all the time, things have gone well. I haven't had any strong cravings or major mood swings, and my calves, ankles, and feet still look and feel like separate entities! Even better, is that the baby also seems to be doing well. I feel a lot of movement, especially at the beginning and end of the day and anytime I slouch (apparently the baby doesn't like to be crowded). Sometimes I'll just lay in bed and watch my belly move. It's a really strange sensation, watching a part of my body move and knowing that I'm not responsible for the movements.

We don't know the gender of the baby, but we both feel like it's a boy. I think Mark would like a boy because then he could play football for the Chicago Bears (maybe the Bears will finally have a decent quarterback since our 20 week ultrasound showed long arms), and I like the idea of not having to do hair. However, we've both heard that girls are easier, and being that we're both pretty clueless when it comes to kids, easier would be better. Plus, I think Mark would like a girl because then she could be the first female to play football for the Chicago Bears, and I think a girl would be more fun to travel with as she gets older. Oh well, either way we're sure to be happy!

On another note, while it's been nice to have the summer off to relax and enjoy some quiet time, all that's about to change really soon. I'm not talking about when the baby comes either, though I doubt I'll get much relaxation and quiet time then either, I'm talking about next week when we move into our new house. Because we don't like to do anything the easy way, we decided to move in the midst of all of this. And, because we don't like to move into move-in ready houses, we have quiite a bit of work to do in the new house. Of course when I say we in all of this, I mean Mark, because the whole pregnancy thing gets me out of a lot of work! In addition to the move and work on the house, we have weekend trips to Coeur d'Alene, Missoula, and Cheyenne planned in August. Needless to say, the rest of the summer will be pretty busy and I'm sure will fly by, which means that school and then baby will be here before we know it!

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