Baby Beddes Due October 5th

Thursday, August 19, 2010

The house and another birthing class

We two do not like to do things small or with much preparation. Sure, we think we are prepared, we research and discuss at length but at some point we decide: "What the hell, let's just give it a go!" We discuss things like "we should move somewhere crazy", then we end up on the other side of the planet. Or, whilst there we decide: "hey, we should just rent a van and cruise through the outback", then we end up dodging kangaroos for 4 hours and nearly run out of gas. Or, we decide: "hey, let's cut off the roof of our new house that we just moved into", then realize, one of us is 7 months pregnant and that 3 month teacher break is really closer to 2 months. Ahh the details.

Every single one these decisions and many more I could divulge all have been sound yet trying. The latest is mostly over the hard times and moving quite smoothly. But man, what we were thinking? I drew up plans for this addition long before we even owned the house and I was poised to deliver as soon as we closed. We were in the place about 6 days when the saws-all came out and away I went. We got the walls up and enclosed the outside within 4 days with a little help from a former student and one day from Zack Cleveland (who picked an unfortunate date to visit). Then we snuck out for a nice visit down to Cheyenne to see Nikki's dad and step-mom. Although it was tough to leave in the middle of the project, it was a great trip. Now the last few days, I have been squaring away some interior work to get the plumbing taken care of. We'll keep you posted if this actually gets completed.

On the topic that the blog is centered, we attended another special ed summer school... er... I mean... birthing class again. This time the girl with the baby-daddy who came late, left early, and didn't speak to baby-momma at the last class had her mom with her this time. She was an interesting one. The teacher of the class at one point asked her if this was her first grandchild. Her response was "I don't know fo sho, I was jus' tryin' to count them today, somewhere between 8 and 10". Reading the bewildered look on the teachers face she responded: "I'm not real sure, I got boys and you know how they lie" I should be rewarded a medal for keeping my composure and not breaking out in laughter. Later, the teacher was discussing kegels (which for those of you without pregnant wives and don't know, are basically a vagina push-up) and the same woman chimed in: "definitely! you girls need to take care of yourselves 'specially when you get older". The teacher explained kegels and how if you don't perform kegels you'll end up peeing yourself and the lady chimed in again: "oops, that wasn't what I was talking about". Again, reading the bewildered look on the teachers face, the lady responded with. "y'all know what I'm talking about y'all are pregnant". Alright, alright enough being a judgmental jerkface. Reality is the 13 year-old dad in the class (maybe I am a bad judge of age) seems to know more about the birthing process than me.
As for the class, I am finding the material interesting maybe not as interesting as the people but interesting all the same. For example, we were working on breathing techniques to keep your focus diverted from the pain. The teacher handed us an ice cube and timed us. I was whining in 30 seconds to which Nichole responded: "it is a good thing I am the one having this kid". Now, she is a smart girl but that might be the smartest thing she has ever said. Another portion of the class I found comical was during most of these exercises we, the dads, are supposed to comfort (i.e. whisper sweet nothings, and stroke hair/back/leg/etc.). This is really an odd thing to witness, I look up and there are 15-20 people slow dancing in a fully lit room with no music.
All in all, I am learning things that I can do to smooth this process as much as I can. I have been given important tasks such as: be in her face and talk sweet to her, hold the ice chip cup, monitor the breathing, and massage her. Although I find all of this useful I am pretty sure Nikki is going to tell me to go away, sit in the corner of the room, and don't bother her while she is busy.
Once again, I have realized I have rambled on for a bit and not really talked about Nikki being pregnant. Again, I just haven't got a whole lot to talk about on that front, she really is the same old sweet, sarcastic, gal I know and love only with a potbelly. And as for Bear, he is starting to slow the roll a bit... must be running out of room. And in case you haven't heard the kid's actual name will not be Bear (Nikki said no). We are however starting to narrow names down and as long as this kid stays on schedule we should be fine.

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