Baby Beddes Due October 5th

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Birthing Class

Now I know I am an incredibly attractive and intelligent guy. I also know that I have and equally attractive and even more intelligent wife. This leads me to the conclusion that us bringing a child into the world will improve the overall gene pool. However, after spending 10 minutes at the birthing class I felt a need to turn Mormon and have me about 15 kids just out of moral obligation to the human race. My guess is that if you are reading this you know I am a somewhat self confident (arrogant if you want to be a dick about it) dude. However, if you were in this room you would agree with me. There was a chick that argued with the instructor that lifting heavy objects was okay because she had a friend that turned into "Hercules" whenever she got pregnant. Also, out of probably 20 or so people in the room I only saw two other wedding rings. Also, we were easily the oldest people in the room probably by an average of 10 years. Now it is certainly not my place to judge, and I will say that my parents had children very young and they turned out to be excellent parents. I will also say that the most informed dude in the room was probably 17 and listed his hobbies as track and field. So what do I know right?
On the other side of the coin, after watching some videos of this child coming out of the vagina (now called the birth canal(they call it this to sound like a bigger hole I'm guessing)) I felt really bad for what I've done to my beloved wife. And after watching the faces of the ladies in the videos I thought I should never do it again. So, here is the dichotomy of the situation... improve the human race or torture my wife. The jury is still out on this and I'll make up my mind after the birth of Bear.

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