Baby Beddes Due October 5th

Friday, November 12, 2010


A few weeks ago I had no idea what day of the week it was nor did I care. Boy how that changed once Mark went back to work! I think I look forward to the weekends more now than I did when I was working. Friday and Saturday nights mean I get a little more sleep because I have somebody to share Avery duty with. Saturday and Sunday afternoons mean I can shower before noon (doesn't mean I do) and get stuff done around the house. Every other day of the week I have the best intentions of eating and showering at decent times and crossing one thing off my list of things to do, but it doesn't usually happen. It's amazing how quickly time flies when all you do is feed, burp, change, rock, and repeat!

Here are some other things that have changed in the past couple of weeks. We are starting to learn Avery's routine (or lack thereof). For example, we know now that if she stays awake all day that doesn't mean she'll sleep all night. In fact, it means just the opposite because she'll try to stay awake all night too making her overly tired and fussy. She no longer likes to nap in her cradle or bouncer. I used to be able to put her into one or the other when she fell asleep so I could get a couple things done (like eating or showering). Now, for whatever reason, she wakes up crying the moment I put her down. So, my choice is to either let her cry, which means she won't sleep (remember: no sleep during the day = no sleep at night), or let her sleep on me, which means I won't get anything done. She's become a much more messy baby. She used to wear the same outfit all day long, but now she goes through a couple changes of clothes because of slobber, spit up, or blow outs. For you lucky ones who don't know what a blow out is, it's when the poo leaks (or explodes) from the diaper. We have 11 diaper covers and she's had so many blow outs lately that I've had to wash them every couple of days.

The good news is that not all of the changes are bad. For example, at night we can now put her in her basinett while she's awake and she will fall asleep on her own. She's also becoming much more aware of her surroundings so she'll focus on something for awhile or grab for the animals hanging above her changing table. And she's starting to become more vocal. I guess being able to see these changes makes it all worthwhile.

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