Baby Beddes Due October 5th

Monday, November 22, 2010

A day in the Life of the Daddy

There are really very few things that I wake up early to do. Every 6-7 years I'll wake up early to go fishing or kill something with my older brother. At least once a year my terribly inconsiderate father will make a 7:30 a.m. tee time, and I'll put up with it, just to spend that quality time with him. Both of these circumstances I will complain constantly. I am a night owl and firmly believe there is very little worth waking up early for. I have found one of those things, and it comes in the form of probably the cutest little girl that has ever graced the planet Earth... and I know some cute girls, so that is really saying something! I almost look forward to 5:00 a.m. coming around and am disappointed when Avery sleeps straight through. When I hold her in my arms, I am absolutely melted. Everything else in life seems almost monotone. I discuss how the last Bears game went and how Mike Martz should run the ball more, and she responds in squeeks and grunts, which by the way, I much prefer to Nichole's groans and eye rolls.
Then, I have to shuffle off to work. I still love my job and I have good students, but I sure look forward to 2:30 more than I ever have in the past, and when it rolls around, I don't have any problem leaving the stack of papers to grade on the desk and hitting the road.
When I walk through the door Nikki, being the good Mom that she is, has Avery all fed and wide awake to go straight back into Dad's arms. Nikki then tries to do all the things she hasn't gotten done in the day, while I hang out with Avery.
On the weekends, as Nikki stated in her last post, that is dual parenting nights. It really surprises me the whole gray area that sleep has become. There are times when I am rocking Avery in the rocking chair and it occurs to me, that I have no idea when I got there or how long I've been there. Or other times when I think I am rocking her and wake in my bed with Avery over in her wing sound asleep in the bassinet.
In case you aren't grabbing how much I enjoy hanging out with this girl I can give a frame of reference. I enjoy... yes enjoy changing her. Yes, I will wipe shitty ass just to spend the time with her. Even her cries are cute. Sometimes she gets a little la-la-la sound that gives a good laugh. Ten minutes ago I was holding her and she was crying and smiling at the same time. Speaking of crying, I am starting to decode this fairly well. Odds are there are only three things she wants if she is crying: #1; the boob, #2; poop, or #3; she wants to play. #3 is by far my favorite. #1 I can't really do anything about (although sometimes Avery thinks my bicep is a boob), #2 although, as stated before, it can be a pleasant exchange it is still ass-wiping. So playing is easily the best. This is a fairly new development. There are times when you are holding her or snuggling right in and she decides that she is done with that. I hold on to her and she stands right up, holds her head up really well, and smiles at me. I'm thinking she is gonna skip right by that whole crawling thing and start walking. I hope a little of this wears off so I don't end up over-babying this kid.

1 comment:

  1. I had no idea your bicep is that big! Just kidding! So fun to see you with your little one, although it does make me feel a tad bit old, I must admit!

    Congrats! They change your world don't they?
