Baby Beddes Due October 5th

Monday, September 6, 2010

Oh yeah we are having a kid!

Alright so the football coaching season has started, school has in full swing, we just got the kitchen finished (except for the 1930's wallpaper) and the upstairs add-on is winding down to the details. I have been so busy it was hard to keep focus on the much more important thing coming... leave it to Bear to remind us!
I know some tend to think I am exaggerating when I say Nikki has been a dream preggo, but it is the gospel. Aside from the occasional grunt and/or groan when she stands up, she has been fantastic. That is until last week, when Bear seemed to want to make a push on his way out. Then she was whiney, needy, and stressy (spell check is telling my stressy isn't a word, but I'm going with it anyway). I am certainly not complaining about her demeanor, if I had some little dude kicking me in the ribs all day long and woke up 4-5 times a night, I would've hooked a hoover up to the birth canal by now. And beyond that, we watched a horror show, I mean educational birthing video, in our last birthing class that I am pretty sure if shown in every public school, would cut teenage pregnancy in half. So, Nikki has bee great to say the least.
Speaking of our birthing class, we have now officially graduated. We even got a fancy piece of paper. Now I feel fairly confident that I won't hide in the corner and cry like a little girl when my child comes out. I have however decided that my focus will be directed primarily waist up, and the cord cutting process is something best left for a qualified professional.
We also did a newborn care class. This one was a bit unnecessary in my opinion. At least 30 minutes of time was devoted to how to put on a diaper. I am no diaper practitioner at this stage, but I have put one on and it seemed to hold the poop in. And my teacher was a 5 year old girl and it only took about 5 minutes. So, I think I should be solid on that end.
That is about it for now, I'm probably going to go sing a lovely rendition of "Bear Down Chicago Bears" to my wife's belly.


  1. Mark, you will be surprised on how well you will do when your baby is born. My husband said he would be focusing "waist up" only. He was Dakota being born and cut the cord. Said he wouldn't have missed it for the world. When Logan was born, he practically caught the little guy because the doctor was no where to be found. I had a water birth with Shiloh, and I think Eric would have joined me in the tub if allowed. :)

    Congratulations to you and Nikki. This is just the beginning of a great new stage in your lives!



  2. Mark. I really enjoy ready your blog and all the wonderful things that are in your future. When Shane and I went to our birthing class the poor guy was a shade of gray after the movie and honestly freaked out. He also said he was gonna focus on the waist up and just concentrate on me. However, when it all happened he was right there w/ the doc. and has been hands on all the way. I'm so excited for both of you. That little one is so blessed to have such great parents!! Mom is SO excited. She's been looking at baby stuff since she found out you were expecting. Its killing her she doesn't know if its a boy or girl. Your all in our thoughts.
