Baby Beddes Due October 5th

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Well we thought we were having a baby...

...but now I'm thinking that I just might be pregnant forever. I know I shouldn't be complaining since my due date is still a week away, but I really thought this baby would be early. It's funny how I went from worrying that the baby would be early to now worrying that the baby might be late. Although we're still not completely ready for the baby, we're ready enough and I'm ready to not be pregnant anymore! Overall the pregnancy has been smooth sailing, but my feet and ankles are starting to swell, I don't have as much energy at work as I need to deal with 150 pre-teens, and I'm really getting sick of wearing the same clothes over and over again.

Mark, on the other hand, seems to be pleased that the baby has decided to stay put. This does make sense since he'll actually have to share the responsibility once the baby is born! Plus, he's trying to get the addition finished (with the exception of the little finishing touches and touch-ups), which I will say is coming along nicely! However, he knows that eventually the baby is going to decide that it's time to experience the outside world, so he's been negotiating with him or her to not come during a football game- he has his priorities!

Well, hopefully the next time we post, we will be sharing pictures and adventures of the little one so keep checking!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Oh yeah we are having a kid!

Alright so the football coaching season has started, school has in full swing, we just got the kitchen finished (except for the 1930's wallpaper) and the upstairs add-on is winding down to the details. I have been so busy it was hard to keep focus on the much more important thing coming... leave it to Bear to remind us!
I know some tend to think I am exaggerating when I say Nikki has been a dream preggo, but it is the gospel. Aside from the occasional grunt and/or groan when she stands up, she has been fantastic. That is until last week, when Bear seemed to want to make a push on his way out. Then she was whiney, needy, and stressy (spell check is telling my stressy isn't a word, but I'm going with it anyway). I am certainly not complaining about her demeanor, if I had some little dude kicking me in the ribs all day long and woke up 4-5 times a night, I would've hooked a hoover up to the birth canal by now. And beyond that, we watched a horror show, I mean educational birthing video, in our last birthing class that I am pretty sure if shown in every public school, would cut teenage pregnancy in half. So, Nikki has bee great to say the least.
Speaking of our birthing class, we have now officially graduated. We even got a fancy piece of paper. Now I feel fairly confident that I won't hide in the corner and cry like a little girl when my child comes out. I have however decided that my focus will be directed primarily waist up, and the cord cutting process is something best left for a qualified professional.
We also did a newborn care class. This one was a bit unnecessary in my opinion. At least 30 minutes of time was devoted to how to put on a diaper. I am no diaper practitioner at this stage, but I have put one on and it seemed to hold the poop in. And my teacher was a 5 year old girl and it only took about 5 minutes. So, I think I should be solid on that end.
That is about it for now, I'm probably going to go sing a lovely rendition of "Bear Down Chicago Bears" to my wife's belly.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

It's the final countdown...

...da na na na...da na na na na...Since the blog doesn't have music, I figure'd I'd try to get the Rocky song stuck in your head so you kind of have music while you read... You're welcome!

Well we're definitely down to the final countdown. Our due date is a month away, but we're thinking this baby is going to come early just to mess with us! At my doctor's appointment last week, the midwife said I was 80% effaced, dilated 1 cm, and the baby was at a +1. Since that was my first time being checked out, I was a bit shocked (freaked out might be a better description). Then, to top it all off, I started having contractions quite frequently, to the point that I didn't sleep well Monday or Tuesday night (the lack of sleep was not great for my emotional well-being, and for one of the first times I was a pregnant wreck). Fortunately the contractions were irregular, so it wasn't labor- phew!

Anyway, I guess one good thing about getting so close is that it's motivated us to get ready (comparatively speaking of course). We finally went and bought a carseat to bring the baby home. That was an hour ordeal at Babies'R'Us. First we had to decide whether to get a travel system (carseat and stroller combo) or buy the two separately. We decided to go with the combo, but only after we checked and priced all of the options. Then we had to check out the combos. We chose one cheap, one mid-range, and one expensive, and proceeded to push them around, fold and unfold the strollers, take out and put in the carseat, carry around the carseat, etc. We ended up buying the expensive model because it was so much easier to use (you get what you pay for) and we're definitely happy with our purchase- though it's currently sitting in the box in the garage! The crazy thing is that after all that, the one we bought is the one we registered for and that we've liked from the get-go. I guess we just needed to convince ourselves that it really was worth the price! Aside from buysing a carseat and stroller, we also registered for the diaper service (we're going with cloth diapers and the service takes care of all of the laundering), and started looking into insurance and pediatricians. Now all we need is a place for the baby to sleep and a place to change the baby and we'll be set!

PS- We took maternity photos yesterday, which was a ton of fun and the ones we've seen so far turned out great! Hopefully Mark will post some of them on the blog (the photographer posted them to Facebook and I'm not sure how to get pictures from Facebook to the blog). We went with a "Bellies and Babies" package, so we also get newborn pictures when the baby is born. Although it's a bit expensive, it's something we'll always have and never regret!